OC Human Relations Council wins funding reprieve as hate crimes continue to rise

OC Human Relations Council wins funding reprieve as hate crimes continue to rise

The Board of Supervisors voted 4 to 1 last week, with Supervisor Michelle Steel as the lone dissenter, to continue funding the council for at least another year. But the panel also urged the council and commission to stop “co-mingling,” with one supervisor noting that some commission staff members report to the council’s director.

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Great news from the Board of Supervisors Meeting

Great news from the Board of Supervisors Meeting

OC Human Relations is very pleased to announce that at today’s Board of Supervisors meeting (June 13, 2017) Supervisors Spitzer, Bartlett, Nelson and Do voted IN FAVOR of funding our nonprofit to fulfill the Commission contract for one year!  This means that the non-profit will not need to immediately leave its offices on Grand Ave in Santa Ana and that

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Update to “The Time Has Come”

Update to "The Time Has Come"

On June 6, over 200 people attended the Board of Supervisors meeting to support our Non-Profit and our Commission. Unfortunately, the measure was defeated by a vote of 2 to 2. However, it will be again voted upon at the Supervisors’ meeting of June 13. Again, we would very much appreciate your attending to show support.

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The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come

This Tuesday morning, June 6th, at the meeting of the OC Board of Supervisors there will be an important decision made that greatly affects our non-profit. For, if our winning bid is not funded, we will be evicted from our offices in 24 days and funding will be lost for 3 Commission staff.

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