OC Human Relations Receives JAMS Foundation/NAFCM Grant

OC Human Relations Receives  JAMS Foundation/NAFCM Grant

Agency to work with Santa Ana’s Cedar-Evergreen Neighborhood residents to empower them to bring lasting, positive change to their community. The nonprofit will facilitate dialogues between residents, community service organizations, and governmental agencies to address the needs of residents of the Cedar-Evergreen Neighborhood, a low income, primarily immigrant area in Santa Ana

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Updated ‘Hate Map’ shows 2016 was ‘an unprecedented year for hate’

Updated 'Hate Map' shows 2016 was 'an unprecedented year for hate'

The Orange County Register, Feb 16, 2017 By DEEPA BHARATH / STAFF WRITER Southern California leads the nation’s most hateful state, California, when it comes to hate groups. In the newest update of its annual Hate Map, which lists groups and organizations that target people based on race, religion or sexual orientation, the Southern Poverty Law Center said Wednesday that

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#HateFreeOC Pledge

OC Human Relations #HateFreeOC Pledge to Support a Respectful & Inclusive Community I PLEDGE to respect others regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, age, or religious affiliation. I PLEDGE to do my part to create an inclusive, hate-free environment in my community, neighborhood, workplace and/or school. I PLEDGE to speak up in instances of prejudice and

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‘A resurgence of white nationalism’: Hate groups spiked in 2016

'A resurgence of white nationalism': Hate groups spiked in 2016

On Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based organization that monitors hate crimes across the country, released its annual report on extremism in America. The report says the number of groups across the country increased in 2016 to 917, up from 892 in 2015. In 2011, SPLC recorded 1,018 active organizations, the highest tally it found in more than 30 years of tracking hate groups. That number had fallen to 784 in 2014.

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#HateFreeOC Art Contest

Sponsored by OC Human Relations and Tarsadia Foundation Theme: #HateFreeOC is an educational and awareness campaign  to create and cultivate a hatefree Orange County and to bring diverse communities together to promote a peaceful and inclusive community for all to thrive. Eligible students must attend school or live in Orange County, and be currently enrolled in grades 8 – 12. Students

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