Walk In My Shoes 2012

Walk In My Shoes 2012

Over 600 students and teachers from schools across Orange County attended the day-long Walk In My Shoes youth conference, November 16, at the University of California, Irvine. The conference was emceed by students Candice Brown of Cypress High School, Ralex Gutierrez of Magnolia High School and Moon Pankam of Capistrano Valley High School. The morning keynote speech was delivered by

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Students gang up on bullying

Students gang up on bullying

Year-long campus campaign begins with a film and a seminar that address the issue. Taken from The Daily Pilot, article by Britney Barnes 5:13 PM PST, November 10, 2012 CdMHS’s Human Relations Council screened the Lee Hirsch-directed documentary “Bully.” The film was followed by a panel discussion to kick-off “Stand Up, Don’t Stand By,” a year-long campaign to raise awareness

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Teaching Tolerance Helps Fight Hate

Teaching Tolerance Helps Fight Hate

By DAVID WHITING, COLUMNIST THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER October 18, 2012 Tattoos tell stories, whether on the arm of a Holocaust survivor or a white supremacist. The faded black number on Ester Bershtel’s left arm testifies to one woman’s strength to escape the horrors of Auschwitz. The number “14” on Wade Michael Page’s left shoulder testifies to a national resurgence

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“I Am Part of a Movement”

"I Am Part of a Movement"

A couple of months ago, I walked into a strange room not knowing what I would encounter. I saw strange but friendly faces, a “melting pot” of a variety of people. They were different ethnicities, different religions and different cultures. After the first 15 minutes went by, a new vibe dispersed over us. Everyone was talking as if they had

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Have You Met Christian?

Have You Met Christian?

When Christian first joined the Bridges Program at Garden Grove High School he barely spoke to anyone. In fact, we weren’t sure that he was enjoying the program, but he showed up every week, so we greeted him each time and tried to make sure that he, and all the students, felt welcomed. Two years later Christian was still coming

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CdM students participate in Silence the Violence Day

CdM students participate in Silence the Violence Day

Some tape their mouths shut as part of a youth movement to raise awareness of harassment, prejudice and discrimination. The sounds of the high school band Cosmic Infinity reverberated through Corona del Mar High School’s quad Friday, drowning out the conversations of students eating lunch. As the music geared up, students celebrated breaking the silence, with some pulling pieces of

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OC Human Relations and the Anaheim Situation

Since the first shooting, an OC Human Relations team has been responding daily to the evolving situation in Anaheim. We have been communicating with Los Amigos, LULAC, OCCCO, OCCORD and other community groups. In addition, the team met with Anaheim Police Chief Welter, his Captains, communications staff, and the City Manager, working with them to understand all that they are

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O.C. Vigil Remembers Those Killed in Sikh Temple Attack

OC Human Relations Commission was proud to co-sponsor the August 9, 2012 interfaith rememberance for the 6 Sikhs murdered by a White Supremacist in Wisconsin. “Evil is something that happens to everybody,” said Timothy Kowal of Huntington Beach, a lawyer who sits on the Orange County Human Relations Commission. “We want to let minority segments of the community know that

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