PSW JACL Elects New Officers, including Ken Inouye

PSW JACL Elects New Officers, including Ken Inouye

RAFU SHIMPO, November 23, 2011 The Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) announced the election of its new Board of Directors including Governor Kenneth Inouye.   Inouye is a long-time member of the Orange County Human Relations Commission.  Says Inouye, “Our district will not cease advocating for a safe and inclusive community, where communications between

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Orange County Students and Teachers Prepare for Centenarian and Human Tornado, Fauja Singh

Orange County Students and Teachers Prepare for Centenarian and Human Tornado, Fauja Singh

NRI International, November 14, 2011 It is rare when a tornado sweeps through California anywhere, let alone in Orange County. And rarer still the ability to predict the path a tornado might take. Yet OC Human Relations is ready to do just that—predicting that Orange County students and teachers attending its 23rd annual “Walk in my Shoes” leadership conference on

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Cultural diversity forum addresses tensions in Santa Ana

Cultural diversity forum addresses tensions in Santa Ana

Los Angeles Times, October 28, 2011 The gathering comes against a backdrop of Latino retailers’ fears and an official’s comparison of a Jewish developer to Hitler. Some participants cite instances of bigotry across Orange County.  The forum was a good beginning. More than 60 people attended, including community leaders such as Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the Orange County Human

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Once-struggling Latino kids get their game together with football

Once-struggling Latino kids get their game together with football

OC Register, October 21, 2011 The football program at San Clemente High School was in for a surprise when five Latino students – incoming freshmen – walked up together and said they’d like to play.  They are products of a San Clemente youth club called La Esperanza, which in Spanish means “hope.”  Rose Velasquez, a community organizer with OC Human

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Fullerton kicks off task force to help homeless, mentally ill

Fullerton kicks off task force to help homeless, mentally ill

Orange County Register, October 21, 2011 In an effort to improve treatment of the mentally ill who are homeless in town, a task force held its first meeting Thursday afternoon at the Fullerton Public Library to begin forming solutions.  “There are many issues that are important in this area (mental illness and homelessness),” said facilitator Rusty Kennedy, executive director of O.C.

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OC Human Relations Collaborates on Santa Ana Community Forum on Cultural Diversity and Conflict

OC Human Relations Collaborates on Santa Ana Community Forum on Cultural Diversity and Conflict

The forum, organized by Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez, took place Thursday, October 27 and was an effort to build understanding and respect between Latino and Jewish communities. Also involved were the American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League and the Latino-Jewish Coalition. See the City of Santa Ana Media Release for more details. Also, read the OC Register article on the

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Students Unite Against Bullying

Students Unite Against Bullying

Newport Beach Independent, October 7, 2011 Students at Corona del Mar school were encouraged at an assembly on Wednesday to step up and be “change agents” rather than just bystanders if they witness bullying.  “It’s a great way to start the year,” said Eric Lam, a specialist for the Orange County Human Relations Council, a community group that works with

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A Decade after 9/11… Commission Listens to Sikhs and Muslims Tell Their Stories

A Decade after 9/11... Commission Listens to Sikhs and Muslims Tell Their Stories

On the tenth anniversary of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the United States’ history the Orange County Human Relations Commission offers condolences to the families and friends of the victims who were wounded or died in those attacks, and to the first responders who gave their lives trying to save lives in the aftermath of the attack. Over the

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OC Human Relations Commission Seeks to Mediate Alvarez/Chase Situation

OC Human Relations Commission Seeks to Mediate Alvarez/Chase Situation

Liberal OC, September 1, 2011 Earlier this week, acting Santa Ana City Manager Paul Walters asked the OC Human Relations Commission to intervene in the case of anti-Semitic comments made by Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez.  Executive Director Rusty Kennedy confirms he has since spoken separately with all parties in the case as a part of his organization’s

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