
We at OC Human Relations are so proud of and grateful for this new generation of ‪BRIDGES Youth Leadership‬ summer camp graduates–conscious and confident change-makers ready to take on injustice!

group photo

Below are a selection of photos taken at the Camp graduation and at a presentation to members of OC Human Relations Board and Commission members.  Sixteen camp attendees, from across Orange County, spent a week immersing themselves in ‪human relations‬ and ‪‎social justice‬ learnings and activities so they can be equipped to make positive change and build safe, inclusive and respectful schools in the upcoming school year.

Students said:
“This camp helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. I feel like I can express myself now.”
“Camp was such an amazing experience. It helped me meet other students that are passionate about social justice .”
“This camp was one of the best experiences of my life.”

Read the full 2016 BRIDGES Youth Leadership Camp Report