It’s always exciting to be in the room when old stereotypes are proven wrong. That’s what happened last month when 17 parents from Sycamore Jr. High in Anaheim graduated from OC Human Relations’ Parent Leadership Institute (PLI).

These parents spent 6 weeks attending workshops on understanding the school system, graduation requirements, parent rights and responsibilities and how to partner with schools among others. They heard from students and teachers and even presented what they learned as well as recommendations to the Principal.

The PLI has been offered by OC Human Relations for two decades, parents across the county have benefited from the program’s unique focus on training parents to be advocates who can make positive contributions to the campus community.

Graduate and parent Maria Bermudez spoke at the graduation ceremony where she said, “[we] thank the school for creating a welcoming place for parents and families, providing different ways for communication with the families, and including parents in the decision making process of the school.”

The graduates also asked to partner with the Principal to create, “improvements in teacher-parents communication, high expectation for their children beyond high school graduation, and relationships with community organizations that provide information and referral for family services.”

For more information on PLI please contact Edgar Medina at

2013 Sycamore Parent Leadership Institute Graduates

2013 Sycamore Parent Leadership Institute Graduates