Laotians Question Police Over Shooting

Laotians Question Police Over Shooting

The Register, October 11, 1984 Although Santa Ana police investigators concluded that the fatal shooting of a 52 year-old Laotian refugee was justified, the city’s  Laotian community has remained puzzled by the incident… click here to read more

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State to Investigate Cheating of Aliens

State to Investigate Cheating of Aliens

The Los Angeles Times, October 10, 1984 The state Department of Industrial Relations will investigate complaints that some Orange County businesses are not paying undocumented workers for day work they perform… click here to read more

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Projects Often Do Not Assist Uprooted Poor

Projects Often Do Not Assist Uprooted Poor

The Los Angeles Times, September 24, 1984 With redevelopment focusing on commercial areas in Orange County, there has been no widespread eviction of low-income residents except in the older cities’ downtowns, according to data supplied by city officials… click here to read more

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On Minnie Street, Cultures Mesh–and Clash

On Minnie Street, Cultures Mesh--and Clash

The Los Angeles Times, September 7, 1984 When the Khmer Muslims of South Minnie Street pray to Allah together, they gather in an unusual mosque – a spartan one-bedroom apartment with harsh fluorescent lights and little else… click here to read more  

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Churches Asked to Aid Homeless

Anaheim Bulletin, August 17, 1984 The halls of the Unitarian Church of Orange County are empty now, but not too long ago they housed 15 homeless people, some of whom had been evicted from their hotel rooms by an Olympics-related increase in rent… click here to read more

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Memorial Mass is Held for Man Who Died in Custody

Memorial Mass is Held for Man Who Died in Custody

The Los Angeles Times, August 5, 1984 About 65 friends and relatives of Ezequiel Flores Larios gathered at El Salvador Park for a mass said by Catholic Archbishop Tomas Clavel in memory of the 25 year-old Santa Ana man who died after a controversial arrest… click here to read more

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