O.C.H.R.C. Slates Awards

Neighborhood News, February 22. 1984 The Orange County Human Relations Commission announced the recipients of the 1983 HRC awards.  The banquet marks the 13th anniversary of the creation of the Commission… click here to read more

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The Plight of Homeless Americans

The Plight of Homeless Americans

The Congressional Record, January 25, 1984 Hon. Jerry M. Paterson of California. Mr. Speaker.  I wish today to express my deep concerns for the many Americans who each night must seek shelter in cars, under bridges and in public parks because they cannot locate an emergency shelter or … click here to read more

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Fear, Bigotry Color Perception of Immigrants

Fear, Bigotry Color Perception of Immigrants

The Register, Jan 20, 1984 Opinion piece by Rusty Kennedy, Executive Director of OC Human Relations Commission. All responsible studies come to the same conclusion: undocumented residents pay all the same taxes and collect on very few of the services that their tax dollars support… click here to read the rest of the article.

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Plans Made to Reduce Tensions of Killing

Plans Made to Reduce Tensions of Killing

LA Times, Mar 19, 1983 Citing a “volatile” public reaction to the fatal shooting two weeks ago of a five-year old boy by a Stanton police officer, the Orange County Human Relations Commission on Friday unveiled plans to ease potential tensions between Stanton Police and community members… click here to read the rest of the story.

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