Sticking by her side when it mattered most

Sticking by her side when it mattered most

Orange County Register, April 29, 2010 Next week, at an Orange County Human Relations ceremony, Roxanna Jimenez one of Huntington Beach High School’s bilingual community liaisons, will be honored along with her co-advisor Kimberly McGlaughlin, with Community Leader awards for their efforts to encourage immigrant parents to play an active role in their children’s education…click here to read more  

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Student winner donates $250 to OC Human Relations Youth Programs

Student winner donates $250 to OC Human Relations Youth Programs, April 22, 2010 When 14-year-old Kathy Tran learned she was the recipient of a $1,000 Violet Richardson award from Soroptimist International, her first reaction was to scream with joy. Since one-half of the monetary award was to be donated to the student’s charity of choice, Tran’s next step was to decide which non-profits would benefit. She chose to split

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High school mural shows female role models

High school mural shows female role models

Orange County Register, March 27, 2010 When Cesar Chavez students were asked to list female role models one name came to the top of the list: Paris Hilton.  So Rigo Moldanado – a senior Human Relations Specialist with OC Human Relations – got to work educating the students on female artists, educators, historians, community activists and other heroes…click here to

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Middle-schoolers learn respect at CSUF

Middle-schoolers learn respect at CSUF

Orange County Register, March 5, 2010 Seventh-grader Michael Araiza, on Friday, learned that outside appearances aren’t necessarily indicative of a person’s character.  Michael, a student at Sycamore Junior High School in Anaheim, was also reminded that individuals make interpretations of others based on a variety of preconceived beliefs.  The 12-year old was among 530 students from 21 Orange County middle

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A Premium on Studying

A Premium on Studying

San Clemente Times, Feb 10, 2010 Hispanic and Latino students at Las Palmas Elementary School and San Clemente High School continue to break through cultural and community barriers one homework assignment at a time.  With the unrelenting guidance and support of Orange County Human Relations, its BRIDGES Program, a host of retired teachers and other community volunteers, students are beginning

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RSM students remember King

RSM students remember King

The Orange County Register, February 5, 2010 Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate’s BRIDGES Program celebrated and remembered civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. with its annual “I Have a Dream” Wall on Friday. More than 250 students shared their dreams and purchased shirts that shared a core BRIDGES value – “Hate is easy but love takes courage.”…click here to read

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Immigrant parents step out of the shadows

Immigrant parents step out of the shadows

The Orange County Register, February 3, 2010 The Huntington Beach father of three thought he was doing all the right things: He worked two jobs, saved his money, kept a roof over his family’s head and always made sure that, no matter what, family came first.  His children most likely would have continued down the same path as their father,

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San Clemente communities win $30,000 grant

San Clemente communities win $30,000 grant

The Orange County Register, January 19, 2010 Two San Clemente communities won a $30,000 grant to increase intergenerational programming.  Orange County Human Relations will handle distribution of the money and match the funds with another $30,000. The group soon will begin meeting with community members in Los Mares and Central San Clemente to decide how to use the grant…click here

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O.C. Latino, Asian, Iranian groups join forces

O.C. Latino, Asian, Iranian groups join forces

The Orange County Register, January 7, 2010 Five community agencies that provide services to non-English speaking Latinos, Vietnamese, Koreans, Pacific Islanders and Iranians are joining forces.  They have formed a nonprofit group called MECCA (Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies) to share services and better position themselves for state and federal grants…click here to read more

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