Hearing Both Sides and Seeing the Middle

Hearing Both Sides and Seeing the Middle

The Los Angeles Times, January 29, 2001 Last week I got a chance to sit in on one of the mediation-conciliation training session run by the Orange County Human Relations Commission.  The 28-hour courses are run several times a year to help bolster its volunteer force of mediators…click here to read more

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Rusty Kennedy Fighting Injustice

Rusty Kennedy Fighting Injustice

OC Register, December 5, 1999 1955 – Rusty Kennedy starts standing up for human rights when he’s lying down.  In his stroller.  His mother, Natalie, pushes baby Rusty around their Golden Hills neighborhood in Fullerton, as she collects signatures…. click here to read more

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A Walk For Diversity

A Walk For Diversity

The Los Angeles Times, December 6, 1998 The changing face of  Orange County is ever more apparent.  The percentage of whites is decreasing, the percentage of Latinos and Asians is increasing…click here to read more

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Tolerance Program Praised

Tolerance Program Praised

The OC Register, April 28, 1998 BRIDGES, an Orange County school program, was honored by the White House this week for its efforts to teach youth ethnic tolerance and understanding… click here to read more

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Defusing Student Tension Before It Starts

Defusing Student Tension Before It Starts

Teasing among friends and classmates is typical on any middle-school campus. But if the chatter degenerates into name-calling or stereotyping it can lead to serious issues in high school and beyond say organizers of a conference at UC Irvine.

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Huntington Students Take Big Step With Walk for Peace

Huntington Students Take Big Step With Walk for Peace

The Los Angeles TImes, April 6, 1997 The hundreds of Huntington Beach High School students who recently marched down Main Street to promote non-violence deserve credit for recognizing a major problem in our society – how we all get along – and trying to address it… click here to read more

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