The Legacy Awards Honorees

Dorothy Mulkey and Robert A. Johnson Mendez, Ramirez, Palomino, Estrada, Guzman vs. Westminster Jean and Frank Forbath Amin David Rabbi Stephen Einstein Pastor Mark Whitlock Annan Aboul-Nasr Jennifer Rojas Mary Anne Foo Tina Correa

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From bullied teen to YouTube star, OC’s Jonah Mowry

From bullied teen to YouTube star, OC's Jonah Mowry

Ben Bergman | May 2nd, 2013, 12:04pm We hear a lot how the Internet has made the problem of bullying worse. But not for one Lake Forest teenager. Jonah Mowry used YouTube to not only stop the constant bullying he faced, but also to become a national advocate. He’ll be honored tonight by the non-profit group, OC Human Relations. Mowry

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OC Human Relations Honors Cypress PD PACE Program

OC Human Relations Honors Cypress PD PACE Program

On Thursday, May 2, 2013, the Orange County Human Relations held its 42nd Annual Human Relations Awards Gala at the Grove of Anaheim to honor community members for their outstanding human relations efforts. Awardees included diverse individuals, model community policing programs, and exemplary school intergroup relations programs that create safe and inclusive environments for Orange County’s students and residents. The

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Wells Fargo honored for diversity

Wells Fargo honored for diversity

Valuing diversity is nothing new for Well Fargo, and it is an honor to be recognized by the Orange County Human Relations Commission for our efforts to foster diversity. For more than 160 years, we have committed ourselves to the success of diverse customers and team members.

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OC Human Relations to Honor OC Business for Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace on May 2

OC Human Relations to Honor OC Business for Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace on May 2

This year, for the first time, OC Human Relations will honor a business or corporation for embracing the principles of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Nominations are invited from the business community or from area residents who believe an area business is worthy of the honor. The OC Human Relations Business Award will be presented at Awards 42 on May 2, 2013 at the City National Grove of Anaheim.

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