Walk In My Shoes Empowers Youth Leaders

Walk In My Shoes Empowers Youth Leaders

More than 500 students and educators from 19 Orange County high schools attended OC Human Relations Walk In My Shoes BRIDGES Youth Conference held at Cal State Fullerton on Friday, Nov 18. In keeping with the direction of the BRIDGES Safe & Respectful Schools Program, an emphasis is placed on providing students with workshops that illustrate community organizing and opportunities to get involved in making a difference in their schools, communities, and the world.  This year’s conference theme was: “Healing Our People through Empowerment (H.O.P.E).”

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2016 BRIDGES Camp Grads Ready to Take On Injustice!

2016 BRIDGES Camp Grads Ready to Take On Injustice!

We at OC Human Relations are so proud of and grateful for this new generation of ‪BRIDGES Youth Leadership‬ summer camp graduates–conscious and confident change-makers ready to take on injustice! Sixteen camp attendees, from across Orange County, spent a week immersing themselves in ‪human relations‬ and ‪‎social justice‬ learnings and activities so they can be equipped to make positive change and build safe, inclusive and respectful schools in the upcoming school year.

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