Hate Hurts Us All Project Launch

Hate Hurts Us All Project Launch

Hate Hurts Us All: Orange County Anti-Hate Work Expansion In response to the 2020 surge of hate activity, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a $1 million contract with the Orange County Human Relations Council to help eradicate hate. The goals of the expansion are: EDUCATE: Learn about hate activity trends in O.C. and about its impact on BIPOC

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Commission denounces antisemitic flyers

Commission denounces antisemitic flyers

Orange County Human Relations Commission denounces the distribution of antisemitic flyers throughout Orange County (March 11, 2022) According to the 2020 Orange County Hate Crimes Report, in 2019 there were 94 hate incidents and 12 hate crimes related to antisemitic discrimination. This is a 50% increase over the prior reporting period. Throughout history, during times of uncertainty, some individuals seek

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Commission denounces violence & hate in schools & community-at-large

Commission denounces violence & hate in schools & community-at-large

Orange County Human Relations Commission denounces violence and hate in schools and community-at-large (February 10, 2022) For many, the new year comes as a time of hope; an opportunity to try again. However, recently there have been hate incidents in our South Orange County schools that have served as tragic reminders that our children are not immune from the cruel

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County of Orange Celebrates 50 Years of Human Relations Commission & Increases Funding to Stop Hate

County of Orange Celebrates 50 Years of Human Relations Commission & Increases Funding to Stop Hate

County of Orange Celebrates 50 Years of Human Relations Commission and Increases Funding to Stop Hate Orange County, CA – December 17, 2021 The Orange County Board of Supervisors celebrated 50 years of work of the Human Relations Commission on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at a presentation before their regular meeting. The Commission was founded in 1971 to seek out

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