Yorba Linda Family Targeted by Hate – The Commission Responds

Yorba Linda Family Targeted by Hate - The Commission Responds

UPDATE: December 10, 2012: Read news reports of the December 8 “Listening Session” UPDATE: November 28, 2012 The OC Human Relations Commission has scheduled One in a series of “Listening Sessions” on African American life in Orange County for 9am, Saturday, December 8, 2012 at Irvine’s Christ Our Redeemer (COR) Church… Read More UPDATE: November 26, 2012 November 20, 2012

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Teaching Tolerance Helps Fight Hate

Teaching Tolerance Helps Fight Hate

By DAVID WHITING, COLUMNIST THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER October 18, 2012 Tattoos tell stories, whether on the arm of a Holocaust survivor or a white supremacist. The faded black number on Ester Bershtel’s left arm testifies to one woman’s strength to escape the horrors of Auschwitz. The number “14” on Wade Michael Page’s left shoulder testifies to a national resurgence

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O.C. Vigil Remembers Those Killed in Sikh Temple Attack

OC Human Relations Commission was proud to co-sponsor the August 9, 2012 interfaith rememberance for the 6 Sikhs murdered by a White Supremacist in Wisconsin. “Evil is something that happens to everybody,” said Timothy Kowal of Huntington Beach, a lawyer who sits on the Orange County Human Relations Commission. “We want to let minority segments of the community know that

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A Decade after 9/11… Commission Listens to Sikhs and Muslims Tell Their Stories

A Decade after 9/11... Commission Listens to Sikhs and Muslims Tell Their Stories

On the tenth anniversary of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the United States’ history the Orange County Human Relations Commission offers condolences to the families and friends of the victims who were wounded or died in those attacks, and to the first responders who gave their lives trying to save lives in the aftermath of the attack. Over the

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