There is a history of the lynching of black bodies by white people in the United States of America. There is a history of terrorizing black people with lynching and calling it justice.There is a history of vigilantism that was condoned and ignored by community leaders.There is a history – more than 4,400 lynchings of Black Americans from 1877-1950.
That history has not gone away.
Asian Americans in Action commends the cities of Irvine and Garden Grove for unanimously approving resolutions that denounce COVID-19 related hate crimes and incidents against Asian Americans
Read more →The coronavirus has left tens of thousands of grief-stricken American families struggling to make sense of the seemingly random terror it inflicts, sickening many but only taking some lives.
But for many black families, mourning coronavirus deaths brings an added burden as they wonder whether racial bias may have played a role.
Individuals from Orange County, California, reported 34 incidents between March 19, 2020 to April 15, 2020. Such cases tend to be under-reported and that the following data is just a sample of the incidents occurring in the Orange County.
Read more →America’s extremists are attempting to turn the coronavirus pandemic into a potent recruiting tool both in the deep corners of the internet and on the streets of state capitals by twisting the public health crisis to bolster their white supremacist, anti-government agenda.
Read more →Asian American residents who experienced discrimination said their experience made them more afraid to venture out for groceries and essential businesses.
Read more →CongressPerson Chu said the anti-Asian actions started with dirty looks and culminated in physical violence around the country. Over 1600 anti-Asian crimes occurred and she is now concerned about what might happen when stay at home orders are lifted.
Read more →The Board of Directors for both the SELANOCO (Southeast Los Angeles-North Orange County) Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and the Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) of the JACL have agreed to support the efforts of the Orange County Human Relations Council as they strive to combat hate incidents and hate crimes that have been directed against people of Asian American ancestry in Orange County.
Read more →The COVID-19 virus does not discriminate. It does not differentiate based on race, ethnicity or nationality. Adversity must not divide us, especially now.
Read more →monitoring groups have recorded a swell of hatred — including cases of physical violence — toward Asian Americans. Dehumanizing memes blame Jews for the virus. Conspiracy theories abound about causes and cures,
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