Logo County Seal colorOrange County Human Relations Commission

MISSION: Seek out the causes of tension and conflict, discrimination and intolerance, and eliminate those causes


Monthly Summary of Activities: March 2017

Police‐Community Relations
Police-Community Dialogues: Commission staff conduct student outreach event at Hillview H.S., Tustin H.S. & ACCESS School on 3/7, 3/14, & 3/16 for Tustin PD & Youth dialogue series. First session with you began on 3/29 Commission.

Intergroup Relations
Hate Free OC Campaign

Hate Crime & Incidents Identified in March:

  • A total of 3 hate crimes were documented & Commission staff responded to 2 of the 3 that were documented.

Community Outreach & Presentations:

  • On 3/21, Commission staff presented hate crime presentation to Pacifica Institutes in Irvine.
  •  On 3/21, Commission Director participates on panel, with law enforcement, about hate crime in O.C.
  • On 3/23, Commission Director attends and hosts a Hate Free Campaign table at the OC Interfaith Network Forum #1 in Tustin, CA
  • On 3/31, Commission staff presented hate crime presentation to OC LGBT Center. (DH)

Commission Director One-on-Ones: Commission Director met with Dr. Kerry Reynolds and Mark Miller this month.

Community Presentations & Participation:

  • On 3/7, Commission Director supported Commissioner Dr. Chiarina Piazza at the Santa Ana City Council Presentation.
  • On 3/18, Commission Director co-facilitates workshop on Diverse Community at Santa Ana College’s Student Leadership Institute program
  • On 3/31, Commission staff attend and participate in Mayor’s Task Force meeting in Anaheim

Community Building and Training

  • Orange Coast College: 3/8, 3/9, 3/23 – Staff facilitated listening sessions with OCC Club leaders and advisors.  Staff also consulted with OCC administration to organize a conversation between clubs and administration.
  • Cedar-Evergreen Community Building: On 3/13 & 3/21, Commission staff participated in discussion on next steps for residents and community stakeholders with a celebration