Michael Penn

Rest In Peace

We are very sad to report that longtime advocate for interfaith work and friend of OC Human Relations, Mike Penn, passed away recently after battling cancer. Mike served for a number of years as the President of the Orange County Interfaith Network.

Mike was an incredible human being who trailblazed a pathway for interfaith unity, peace, and harmony.  He not only supported the work of OC Human Relations, but championed it.  Mike was a fierce ally and believed in human dignity above else. 

We will always admire his passion and commitment to young people as well as advancing the work of community building. 

In 2012, Michael received a OC Human Relations Award for founding the Interfaith Youth Council of Orange County, which has a goal of uniting young people “..to come together to promote respect, understanding and appreciation for the integrity of each other’s beliefs, cultures and traditions through interfaith dialogue, education and activities.”