George Perry Floyd
(1973 – 2020)

Statement on George Floyd from OC Human Relations

Writing statements is never enough. Writing, what feels like the same statement, each time people are murdered for who they are, without a doubt, is not enough. However, we also cannot be silent and know that we must speak out. As the leader of this organization, I know I must speak out.

Racism is wrong and those oppressed by it are not responsible for eradicating it.

Police brutality is wrong and those who are brutalized by it are not responsible for eradicating it.

Murder is wrong and the families who have lost loved ones are not responsible for eradicating it.

When the three converge we should all be moved to action wherever we are to prevent it from happening again in our home community or any other.

Our collective hurt, outrage, grief must be used in service to the fight for a nation that faces its history, owns its past and lives in the discomfort and pain that is required to for us to reconcile with slavery, Jim Crow Laws, lynching…the list goes on.

Our nation’s history runs deep with violence, enslavement, genocide. As we face the death of George Floyd, know it is not the responsibility of the Black community to create this change alone. It is our work America.

Moving forward, our organization will be doing our own examination of who we are and our commitment to being an anti-racist organization.

We stand with Black, Indigenous and Communities of Color. We will do our best to be a learning organization whose work brings the voices and experiences of all the communities who have been pushed to the margins to the center of our understanding.

We will engage any and all people of every identity and background who want to make sure that the people of Orange County are safe and included. We know we will make mistakes, I will make mistakes, and we know others that join us will make mistakes.

Each time we know better, we will do better. Each time I know better, I will do better.

Some of you reading this will also be thinking about how you can move form not being racist to actively being anti-racist. Know that for many of us it will be scary, uncomfortable, painful. For some, leaving these problems for others to solve will feel like an option. Some who don’t feel the impact in their everyday lives will be tempted to bow out when it gets messy. Stay engaged in this conversation and the anti-racist work that is born of it, with us or elsewhere.

Stay and stand firm with the knowledge that racism is a virus that makes our whole society sick and we must all stay in the struggle.

George Floyd was his name and he is not the first.

Know it. Understand it. Change it.

Alison Edwards CEO, OC Human Relations

If you see or experience hate, please report it to OC Human Relations online or by phoning 714-480-6580