Congratulations to long-time OC Human Relations Board Members, Sue Reese and Bill Wood, for being honored as outstanding community volunteers!

Sue was nominated by OC Human Relations. “Susan (Sue) Reese is a true gem-one of those volunteers who goes above and beyond to support the causes she cares about. We are more than lucky to call Sue a leader, donor, volunteer and friend of OC Human Relations. Sue has been involved with OC Human Relations for over two decades. She is an incredible volunteer who has donated thousands of hours of her professional time as a graphic designer, a volunteer member of the Board and a Community Partner without limits.

Having grown up in Orange County, Sue’s commitment to making our community a better place runs deep, and it is evident. Sue provides outstanding leadership, models true dedication and is the best Board member any organization could ask for. She is the first to raise her hand to participate in staff development programming like our three-day Restorative Justice Training, special projects like our annual hate crime report, trainings like Annenberg Foundation’s Alchemy leadership development and other efforts related to our work. Sue is instrumental with our annual report, annual dinner preparation and special projects, such as our recent 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act history exhibit that she designed to tour the county. She adds love and creativity to everything she touches. Sue is not afraid to voice her concerns about injustice nor to be vulnerable in times of meaningful dialogue around critical human relations issues. There isn’t anything that Sue wouldn’t do to help OC Human Relations be a successful organization. We are so proud to have her as part of our organization and are grateful for the opportunity to recognize her outstanding contributions to Orange County and to OC Human Relations.”

Bill was nominated by the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach. “As the President of Pacificare Foundation, Bill has given a great deal back to the community, not just to the Boys & Girls Club but many other organizations on a local and national level. His dedication has been recognized with such accolades as Alumnus of the Year from CSULB and Orange County Volunteer of the Year. He has been with the Club for quite some time, having once been a member and going on to inspire and mentor as the Club’s Athletic Director. He brings a personal and professional perspective to the Club that accelerates the operations and members forward, and makes an incredible difference in the lives of our kids!”