
The Orange County Board of Supervisors honored Rusty Kennedy at its meeting on October 11. Chairwoman Lisa Bartlett presented a resolution commending Rusty Kennedy on his retirement and 40 years of vision and great service as the OC Human Relations Commission Director.

The resolution read in part: “As a courageous and visionary leader, Rusty Kennedy has long demonstrated a sincere concern for the well-being of all people in our community, and is a highly respected and sought-after leader in human relations issues throughout Orange County, as well as the State of California. [He] has dedicated his life to addressing serious social issues with an innovative, win-win approach that has made OC Human Relations an award-winning an invaluable resource to the County of Orange and model organization valued across the State.”

The Board of Supervisors wished him the best in his retirement.  Kennedy said he was touched and humbled by the recognition from the OC Board of Supervisors.

Read an article about the presentation from the Fullerton Observer.