Funny how a chance encounter can lead to something unexpected!  One of our wonderful Board Members, Treasurer Sean Thomas, was recently officiating at a wedding. In the course of the evening he engaged in a conversation with one of the guests.

Turns out, Jeff, the gentleman who Sean was talking with, is the nephew of Johnny Carson, the President of Carson Entertainment, and on the Board of the John W. Carson Foundation.  Jeff was very interested in Sean’s description of the work of OC Human Relations and wanted to learn more.

Jeff, and his wife, Peggy, attended Awards 44 and was so impressed that he asked OC Human Relations to submit a request for support to the Carson Foundation.

We’re extremely happy to report that Jeff just phoned to say the Carson Foundation had awarded OC Human Relations a $10,000 grant!

Our sincere thanks to Jeff and the John W. Carson Foundation as well as to Sean Thomas for his great work in identifying a potential sponsor!
