Two parents abandoned their 6 month old child today and went on a violent rampage killing 14 innocent co-workers, and wounding another 17.

As we look to understand the motive, we suggest it is immaterial, in comparison to the horror of what they did.

We do not care what their motive was, their acts speak louder than any message they may have wanted to send, or reason they may have acted out.

We do not care what their religion was, for surely this was an immoral act in all faiths.

We do not care what their national origin is, for their act did not serve the interests of their nation.

We do not care what happened to them at work, for their brutal act cannot be justified.

We care about the lives they took, 

We care about the people they shot and injured,

We care about the people they traumatized,

We care about the people who will be vilified unfairly because they may be of the same faith, nationality, ethnicity, etc.

– Rusty Kennedy, CEO, OC Human Relations