MMorganOC Human Relations is pleased to announce that Melissa Morgan has joined OC Human Relations staff as our new Director of Partnerships, (Chief Development Officer). Ms. Morgan was hired after an exhaustive search and review of some terrific candidates by the hiring panel.

The creation of this position came at the culmination of a study Anne Olin of TOGI (The Olin Group Inc.) conducted for OC Human Relations assessing our infrastructure, and advising a strategic investment in such a position, among other steps.

In her new position, Melissa will be responsible for fund development and communications to meet the needs of the OC Human Relations as defined in the approved budget. Primary areas of development include: development and implementation of a comprehensive, multi-year fund development plan for sustained income; coordination and leadership of an annual campaign; identification, research, cultivation, solicitation and recognition of major and minor donors; development of corporate and foundation grant proposals; special fundraising events; and supervision of the development staff.

In response to her hiring, Melissa said, ““I am thrilled about the opportunity to continue working in Southern California, and in Orange County in particular, on furthering the important work of human relations. My aspiration is to help local leaders fulfill theirs. This community is rich in resources and culture, and can be a real model of inclusion for other communities to learn from. “

Melissa may be reached by phone 714.567.7470 or by email


ACLOC Human Relations is pleased to welcome Adriana Cortes Luna to the OC Human Relations family as well. Adriana joins our staff after many years of involvement as a student in the BRIDGES: Safe and Respectful Schools Program student, intern and featured presenter at our Walk In My Shoes conference. In her position, Adriana will be responsible for building partnerships with students, parents, teachers, administration and community members to improve school climate in middle and high schools across Orange County.

In response to her hiring, Adriana said, “I’m excited to continue my work with an organization that has given so much to me. My aspiration is to solidify relationships between stakeholders from diverse walks of life in our schools so that we can collaborate and improve our schools for every student. My hope is that through facilitating positive relationships at schools, we will empower youth and in return strengthen our community.”

Adriana can be reached at 714-567-7470 or email.