For Immediate Release

September 9, 2013

Bart and Margaret Harloe announced a ten year commitment to funding OC youth to attend the OC Human Relations Summer Youth Organizer Camp and year-long Internship Program. This gift is in memory of their parents, Marion Harloe, who served for 6 years on the OC Human Relations Commission, and Jack Harloe, who volunteered for years at the Fullerton Observer Community Newspaper in Fullerton. They also stated their intent to support the Fullerton Observer with an annual donation over the next ten years.

Commissioner Becky Esparza who served with Marion said, “Marion was a courageous and gracious person who had a deep regard for justice for all. Her passion for immigrants, the poor, and the discriminated defined her contributions to guiding the Commission in the 1990’s”.

Marion, a retired hospital administrator, was appointed to serve as a Commissioner on the Orange County Human Relations Commission in January of 1990 and served for six years. She had a long record of achievements through her volunteer work with the League of Women Voters where she has struggled to reinforce the foundations of democracy, the Health Care Council of Orange County where she was a staunch advocate of care for the indigent and undocumented, as well as with the OC Human Relations Commission where she was active in getting the BRIDGES, a comprehensive school intergroup relations program, started.

OC Human Relations director, Rusty Kennedy remembered, “Marion had very strong feelings about justice and would stand up and say the truth even when it was controversial and she was up against powerful entities. She was unwavering in her allegiance to eliminating prejudice, intolerance and bigotry and in doing what was right. Her unassuming manner took her adversaries off guard, but she was fierce in her own gentle way. This donation will be dedicated to keeping her legacy alive through diverse young people who will be the courageous leaders of tomorrow.”

Marion was a supporter of the Commission whether she was setting up a function, cleaning up the trash, or providing testimony on the crucial human rights issues of the day before the Board of Supervisors. She would roll up her sleeves and do any task to contribute to the team effort.

The California Association of Human Relations Organizations recognized her in 1997 with the California Civil Rights Leadership Award.

This scholarship will support Orange County youth participating in the BRIDGES summer youth leadership camp and subsequent year-long internship with OC Human Relations.

Jim McQueen, President of OC Human Relations cited this legacy contribution as, “a wonderful testament to the memory of someone who cared enough to give of herself for those less fortunate.”

More Info:
Rusty Kennedy
CEO, OC Human Relations