Racial equity is a matter for Boardrooms, Executives and Industry Leaders. With the recent resurgence of racial uprisings, organizations are looking to address racial equity in their places of business, with their employees and with those they serve. Your organization may have posted Black Lives Matter and Solidarity Statements – but you are looking to do more. As leaders in your industry, you recognize that statements are nice – they offer communication on your organization’s ‘values’ – but they are meaningless without action. You know what matters is output – data, numbers, quantifiable measures. In other words, how do you move from value statements to value actions?  

You reStructure! Start 2021 by pledging to build a racial equity structure – an organization that is committed to racial equity accountability and action.  reStructure is an opportunity for organizational as well as individual growth. As People in Positions of Power you always do what’s best for your stakeholders and you know this is measured by your decisions and ongoing actions. To the question of “What more can we do as an organization to stand for racial equity?” The answer is OC Together: reStructure

Format & training topics  

  • reStructure is a twelve-session, online program that explores topics built to unpack and identify areas of racial equity needs and strengths within an organization structure as well at the individual level. This cohort model invites diverse participants to work in an interactive, online, learning environment to gain knowledge, explore opportunities for racial equity improvement and implement racial equity practices in their workplaces. Participants are expected to complete all sessions. 


Upon completion of this program, participants will demonstrate the ability to:  

  • Understand the history and legacy of racial inequity in Orange County  
  • Define and understand bias, power, privilege and the role of fragility in Anti-Racism Work 
  • Explore the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion as they apply to corporate settings 
  • Acquire tools to conduct internal audits and assessments of the organization from a racial equity perspective 
  • Identify existing resources and opportunities for improvement related to racial equity  
  • Develop strategies and frameworks for drafting racial equity statements, policies and procedures 
  • Inform and expand knowledge and leadership skills on becoming an anti-racist and racially equitable organization