Things are serious – this is a critical time, a time to stand up for justice!

Dear Friends,

We close this year at a critical time in our country and our collective conscience. We are mourning the loss of life, the injuries, and pain from the horrific attacks on our neighbors in San Bernardino and weeks ago in Paris. We are worried about the lives of refugees looking for a peaceful place to call home in welcoming communities, in place of the war zones they are fleeing. We are eyes wide-open, watching political campaigns stoke the fears towards refugees and Muslims, heightening the need for us to raise strong voices of reason and thoughtful responses.

Now is the time for action. Like you, our hearts are being tugged, twisted and torn to take action that really matters. We are called upon as a human relations organization to deal with the aftermath of such tragedies and foreboding concerns. We need your help to address the growing prejudice and fear in our community.

How has hate reared its ugly head in Orange County?

You may be getting a glimpse of the many voices of anger and fear rising up, as heard from news outlets, across social media or in public conversations. These voices seek to address wounds by striking out with prejudiced and violent rhetoric. The kind of language that we know can too easily escalate to worse, even violent hate crimes and incidents. With this comes unwelcomed victimization of our neighbors and friends, who, while innocent, may share a national or religious heritage with the perpetrators of the violence we have been witnessing. We cannot let the innocent be vilified, put into a proverbial box of misinformed stereotypes.

Since the San Bernardino attack, in just a matter of one week, we’re alarmed to have already documented 12 hate incidents and 2 hate crimes in Orange County. Hate directed at Muslims and Sikhs, including hateful graffiti targeting a Sikh Gurdwara and a bullet-ridden Quran left on the doorsteps of an Islamic clothing store. We’ve been made aware that Muslim children are staying home from our schools, for fear of retaliation in their classrooms and campuses. Rest assured, we are working intently with our community partners, schools, student leaders, and key Islamic, refugee, Arab and interfaith leaders across the county to heal, protect and support a united community.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
– Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our history does not have to repeat itself.

Looking back, our history reminds of us of dark days from the past, when our country responded to difference and the unknown with fear:

•  The U.S. interned Japanese Americans in Californian camps during World War II, even as their family members fought valiantly in the 442nd Regiment;
•  Our country deported thousands of Latino laborers to Mexico during the depression in sweeps that even included some Mexican-Americans; and
•  We denied port and sent back to the Holocaust 900 Jews who were fleeing Hitler aboard the ship St. Louis, while denying refuge to thousands more.

We are nearing the year 2016. We can learn from our mistakes and be a stronger nation for it.

We can live our nation’s promise of freedom.

We cannot allow misdirected blame, fear, or short-sighted opportunists guide our decisions, nor replace our sensibilities of respect, inclusion, compassion and the value of true community. We think you’d agree: we are greater than any shameful past. We will stand on the side of honor and do what is right.

“I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else’s whim or to someone else’s ignorance.”
– Bell Hooks

We need you by our side, to stand up and stand TOGETHER for justice.

As you may recall, in the aftermath of September 11th, OC Human Relations organized a series of Living Room Dialogues to bring together hundreds of Orange County residents over one year to address bias, worries and fear of the unknown. This highly successful, broad-based, collaborative model to build dialogue and understanding is just one example of the powerful human relations programs OC Human Relations has led over the past decades.

Our small, yet expert and passionate team of just 18 employees is committed to providing top tier programs to address issues of prejudice, division and conflict in Orange County through effective programming, like our BRIDGES Safe & Respectful Schools Program, Police-Community Reconciliation Program and Dialogues, Hate Crime Education, Dispute Resolution Program, Restorative Justice Initiatives and Community Building Programs.

We answer the calls of the community. And the needs are many. Thanks to the support of generous people like you, over the last two years, we have been able to impact the lives of over 100,000 students, families, educators and residents across Orange County. Over twelve months, we’ve worked with 22,540 students and 2,280 educators and families, facilitated 103 Restorative Community Circles, documented 40 local hate crimes, provided mediation services to 4,551 people in conflict, investigated 38 police complaints, certified 146 people in mediation and engaged volunteers in 10,200 hours of service via courtroom and office mediation support. We need your help to continue providing such important services and programs to those who need us most.

As a local nonprofit organization, we depend on people like you who share our passion for equality and fairness, in order to sustain the important, proactive and responsive initiatives we lead in Orange County.

“Love and compassion are necessities. Without them, humanity cannot survive”
– The Dalai Lama

We’ve been serving Orange County since 1971

For more than four decades, we have partnered with incredible people like you to address issues of prejudice and discrimination in Orange County. We’ve seen important growth and positive change. And, while we have hope, there is still a long, challenging path ahead of us to achieve our mission: “to foster mutual understanding among residents and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination in order to make Orange County a better place for ALL people to live, work and do business.”

“Hope will never be silent.”
– Harvey Milk

Our vision for the future of Orange County

Have you pictured our increasingly diverse county ten, fifteen or twenty-five years from now? What do you imagine for the future of our communities, neighbors, schools, businesses? What do you envision for our children?

•  Will they have respect for others?
•  A sense of responsibility?
•  A giving heart?
•  A willingness to stand up for those who are mistreated?
•  The ability to problem solve with an inclusive mindset?

Our future doesn’t have to be imagined. Through collaboration, we can create a future where hope and reality come together.

How can we accomplish such a monumental task? With so many social problems facing our community, how can we ensure a better future and community for our youth? We are going to need a new generation of leaders willing to commit themselves to growing, including, respecting, accepting, loving, giving and learning. We will continue to build on the foundation of education and dialogue to accomplish this goal.

“Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
– Nelson Mandela

Our vision is clear: only by working together can we create an Orange County that promotes respect, empowers diverse leaders, resolves conflict respectfully and advocates equal justice.

Can you picture it? Are you with us?
•  Imagine a world without bias and prejudice.
•  A place where people resolve conflict peaceably.
•  The type of place where silenced voices are heard and empowered.
•  A community where diverse leadership is the norm.
•  A world that uplifts respect, understanding and unity, in place of division and bias.

We care about Orange County.

At OC Human Relations, we target some of the most critical issues facing our society. We are committed to creating safe, inclusive and respectful schools and communities. We are committed to bringing diverse people together to build bridges, resolve conflict and strengthen community. We are committed to raising a unified, just voice that will ring out our true American values and character. We know you care about making Orange County the best it can be-a place wall all want to continue to be proud to call our home.

“OC Human Relations changes lives! It gets you to open your mind and learn that life is more than just your bubble-the bubble you live in. It makes you realize you’re lucky to have it so good when so many other people have it worse.”
– Atziri, Newport Harbor Beach High School Senior

This is your opportunity to invest in our future.

We need your support. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to help our nonprofit work towards our mission. Your gift is a valuable investment in the lives of children and residents in Orange County. Please give what you can to help us build a safer, more harmonious and inclusive Orange County.

Your contribution is needed even more today as we strive to make this county a better place for ALL people to live, work, go to school and do business. We believe we can be a model for the rest of the world. You can play an important role in making a difference with us.

Thank you for caring about Orange County with us! We send you wishes of peace and harmony for the new year.


Rusty Kennedy
Executive Director

OC Human Relations is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, Tax ID #33-0438086.